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Civil War Items
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1/9th Plate ambrotype of a Seated, Young Mississippi Confederate soldier
CDV of Young Honest Faced Confederate Soldier with Kepi in His Lap
Confederate 1/6th Plate Ambrotype likely a North Carolina Soldier
Confederate Captain 1/6th Plate tintype with Letters
1/9th Plate Ambrotype of a Unidentified Confederate Soldier with a Large Hat
1/6th plate Tintype of a possible Texas Confederate
RARE: Armed Confederate Soldier with a African American Woman on the Back
1/9th Ambro of Possible ID’ed Confederate Soldier and Wife
1/6th Plate Ambrotype of Two Confederate Brothers with Napoleonic Poses
1/6th Plate Tintype of a Young Confederate Soldier with Blue Bow Tinting
Clear 1/9th Plate Revilo Ambrotype of a Confederate Soldier
Double 1/6th Plate Tintype of Federal Soldiers in Gutta Percha Case
1/9th Plate Ruby Ambrotype of a Federal Officer Holding Saber.
1/4 Plate Ambrotype of a Beautiful Antebellum Home with Horse and Carriage
1/2 Plate Tinted Ambrotype of Heavily Tinted Religious Figure in Simple Frame
Captain Edward Butler Green Company K 21st SC Infantry
1/6th Plate Tintype of a Armed Federal SGT with Enfield Rifle and Fixed Bayonet
Uncased 1/8th Plate Tintype of a Full Standing Federal Soldier
Triple Armed Federal Albumen
Mint 1/6th Plate Ambrotype of a 5th Georgia Infantry Armed Confederate Soldier