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CDV of Admiral Andrew Foote with Anthony and Brady Backmark

CDV of Admiral Andrew Foote with Anthony and Brady Backmark


CDV of Admiral Andrew Foote with Anthony and Brady Backmark.

Andrew Hull Foote (1806-1863) joined the Navy as a Midshipman in 1822. During 1849-1851, Foote commanded the USS

Perry suppressing the slave trade.

He was promoted to Commander in 1856 and observed British operations against Canton, China during the Opium War.

When fired upon from Chinese shore bat-teries, he led a landing party that seized the Chinese barrier forts.

During the Civil War, he commanded the Mississippi River Squadron with distine-tion, organizing and leading the gunboat flotilla in the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson and Island No. 10. Wounded in action at Fort Donelson, Foote was promoted to rear admiral on July 16, 1862

shortly before his death..

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